"Sayang, I love you till the end of my life"
Last time when I was in high school, I used to here these words from my ex-boyfriend. But then after we were broke up, it seems like he still can survive and live without me. Huh! See? Such a lie!
So you see, that is what I was trying to discuss about. Puppy love or Kitten love or Calf love. Its a type of love that happens when we are in teen age or adolescence. For me, most of us have their own experience in love.
Guys! Cant't you even see ? Puppy love in this century wasn't like 20th century any more. Instead we are the generation Y will never act and think just as the same as the generation X ( which is our parents generation ) Today, a 13 year old girl, already know and done sex with someone that she claim boyfriend and someday he want to marry her. Because of this kind of over social or puppy love between girls and boys, millions of babies were easily left and even been thrown into the bushes. Where is gen Y's humanity ?
Islam itself have thought us on how to love someone. I believe if we love Allah swt so much , he will give us the best love to be in love with in this world. So guys, love is wonderful and it will be more than it if we practice the love in Islam's way. InsyaAllah :)
by Alhazirah
so biler kite leh caye yg si dia x menipu biler meluahkn kate2 tuh??
latest entry Sape nak DUIT RAYE?? & Bila Perempuan KENCING BERDIRI
when they are ready to build a serious relationship... maybe...
dear kaizen, acually this entry isn't fully complete yet, but since you are asking, well for me, i am holding on Islam's perspective in love issue. I don't believe in puppy love because I myself believe it only brings disadvantages on myself like I have faced last time. I only believe in a man( especially when he want saying loves word to me) only after he and myself already husband and wife.
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